Western coaches will prepare riders of Bourgas


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Coaches from Germany, France and the Netherlands were invited to train our young riders of one of the two training camps planned this year.


This became clear after the visit of the General of the Bulgarian Equestrian Federation and a famous international percour master Theodor Sheytanov, in Bourgas. He delivered a two-day theoretical course for 9 children from sports clubs in Bourgas and the region.

They are planned two preparatory camps for children in this summer. The first will be in July in Arbanassi as alongside our young athletes will participate and children from the Balkan countries. It is expected that their coaches are famous names in equestrian sport from France, Germany and the Netherlands. In the second camp in Vojvodino in August as coaches will incorporate some of our national selectors.

Last year training camps were not done and a fact - unsatisfactory results.