Christmas spirit will roam the streets of Bourgas


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"Street Christmas joy" is the concert, which will load the citizens of Bourgas with the Christmas spirit.


According to the event organizer Stefan Diomov, it would be unusual show. "I did 20 number of concerts, but the first time such a large concert will be exported to the street," said Diomov. The concert will take part largest Bourgas star Toni Dimitrova, "Five Seasons", Puppet Theatre - Bourgas, Children's Choir "Milka Stoeva", Martin Yordanov, Children's vocal group "Sea sand", Penny Stefanova and Ivan Chenov, club "Seasons" – Benjamin Dimitrov and Georgi Miltiyadov, Nikolay Ganchev - Rudy. Leading the Christmas holiday will be Dragomir Draganov.

"Street Christmas joy" will be held on December 15th from 18 o’clock in front the Bourgas Municipality.