Gold treasure of jewelry unique in Tsarevo


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Unique coins compete Louvre and Hermitage


Changing its name over the years from Vasilikou, Vasilikos , Vasiliko to Michurin and Tsarevo, the town retains a special charge, an original atmosphere and romantic mystery whose roots are so deep in the whole history of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, there is no how ancient civilizations lived in these places not to have left a mark on modern history and modern civilization.

The fact is that the oldest processed gold in the world is discovered near Varna. Found objects, coins and artifacts dating from the fifth and fourth centuries BC and they show the skills of ancient people who inhabited the Black Sea to handle, cast and minted gold objects.

Two centuries after them, the Thracian civilization that inhabited the southern part of the Black Sea became the processing of gold in art. An Art that continues to amaze people/ regardless of the achievements of the modern technology/. Unsurpassed elegance and jewelery craftsmanship, workmanship and breathtaking unique pieces can be seen only in one place along the entire Black Sea coast.

And this is Tsarevo.

The municipal Museum in Tsarevo has the most valuable collection of Thracian gold, which dates from the III century BC. The golden Treasure - ornaments of a prominent Thracian woman, is a masterpiece of Hellenistic jewelry, but it is proof that right there near the present town of Tsarevo the Thracian kings had their residence, possibly administrative center. So much gold jewelry with unmatched beauty for all time, most likely were worn by Thracian princess or a queen. The Thracians have buried their rulers with jewelry, household items and armor. There is no way the discovery of gold ornaments at random.

At the museum in Tsarevo are exposed and archaeological finds dating back three millennia and unique treasures from Sinemorets. Silver treasure discovered in September 2012, comprises 199 tetradrahmas. Among them are extremely rare coins of the Thracian king Mostis. To 1991. the science knowns only 11 silver coins of this king stored in numismatic collections in Paris, New York and the Hermitage. In the museum of Tsarevo they are 36.

To delineate ethnography department focusing - fire dancing entered in the Representative List of the UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The museum hosts visiting exhibitions and displays of private collectors. It is located in the central part of  Peneka Str.,№12, phone: 0590/52008; 0884321525, e-mail: