More than 30 ships will visit Bourgas this year


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Interview with Dian Dimov, Executive. Director of the Port of Bourgas


- What results reported Port of Bourgas in 2014?

- For 2014 results, which recognizes Port Bourgas are positive. Overflowing is the business plan for 2014 and the company ended the year with a profit. In terms of cargo turnover growth was 21% compared to the estimated financial and economic values.

For the past year, the state operator handled 163 ships and cargo is reported over 500 000 tons. During the cruise season from April to November of Port Bourgas docked 27 cruise ships with a total of 41,762 passengers served.

- What is the effect of the discovery of "a free access" to the port?

- Public access area to be open for visits by citizens only by month. Its interest by the residents and visitors of the city is great.

Primary sites, the construction of which is planned for 2015 are: rehabilitation and development of the Marina Port Bourgas, including the completion of the yacht complex with two solo sailing halls and a vertical surface, overall development of the territory from 1 to 4 berths. Another very important subject is the reconstruction of one of the oldest buildings - Magazia 1 and transformation into "Sea Cultural Center".

- What are your expectations for the volume and structure of goods next year?

- In the "Port of Bourgas" EAD processed ships with bulk and general cargo as coke, ores and concentrates, scrap iron, cement, fertilizers, kaolin, sugar, salt, metals, steel powders and others. During the past 2014 years the serious overestimation when handling general cargo, compared to the business plan - 231 000.

It’s determining the competitive environment in which it operates "Port Bourgas" EAD. In the port area operate 7 port operators. However, for 2015, we expect 10% growth in cargo to 2014.