Dimitar Rachkov collect money for the athlete of the Construction School


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Led by "Lords of the Air" Dimitar Rachkov joined the campaign for athlete of the School of Construction in Bourgas. The girls from Bourgas Building school unique in the country, were given the right to participate in the World Student Games in China, which will be held in 2015.


The travel and expenses need about 25,000 Lev, which the state does not assume, and their families can not separated. The school organized a charity campaign and relies on donors for collecting the money.

The management of the Construction school and the team turned with great application to Dimitar Rachkov and "Lords of the Air" - to promote the campaign. Rachkov is a former graduate of the high school, graduated specialty "Geodesy". He immediately responded to the request and arrived on Friday afternoon in Bourgas, to meet with the team and his former teachers.