Increased property tax in Bourgas 0.5 ppm

Bourgas municipal councilors increased property tax. It was voted on today's session.

The tax was increased from 1.45 ppm to 1.75 ppm. The municipal administration is justified, that is expected to lead to an increase in revenues to 1.133 million Lev.

For taxpayers, the expected increase in tax for the properties in Bourgas will be between 5 and 8 Lev in the most common type of property - housing foundations.

In comparison with other municipalities: Sofia Municipality - 1,875 ‰, Plovdiv municipality - 1,8 ‰, the municipality of Varna - 2 ‰, Veliko Turnovo Municipality - 2,5 ‰, Sliven - 1,6 ‰, it is apparent that the designated municipality Bourgas size of the tax is among the lowest in the country.


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