RIA: Bypassing Pomorie and Sarafovo

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Expected by the end of the month will complete preventive repair of road I-9, in the section from km 228 + 972 / Sarafovo / to  998 + 230 to km Bourgas.

At the moment, the movement of vehicles is carried out in stages in one lane.

Agency "Road Infrastructure" advise drivers to use the following alternative routes:

In the direction of Varna highway "Trakia": road I-9 - Sunny Beach - Tankovo - Kableshkovo - Bryastovets - Izvorishte - Mirolyubovo - Junction "Balgarovo" / Trakia /;

In the direction from Varna and Sunny Beach to Bourgas:

• Road I-9 Sunny Beach - Tankovo - Kableshkovo - Bryastovets - Izvorishte - Banevo - Mineral baths - Bourgas;

• Road I-9 Sunny Beach - Tankovo - Kableshkovo - Bryastovets - Izvorishte-Mirolyubovo - Bourgas;

In the direction from Sofia to Varna junction "Balgarovo" / "Trakia" highway / - Mirolyubovo - Izvorishte - Bryastovets - Kableshkovo - Tankovo - I-9 "Sunny Beach";

In the direction from  Bourgas to Sunny Beach, Varna: Mineral baths - Banevo -Izvorishte - Bryastovets - Kableshkovo - Tankovo - Sunny Beach.

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