Cancer center Bourgas wants a second linear accelerator

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In the beginning of the year at the «Cancer center Bourgas» is working the most advanced linear accelerator in the country. 


Such devices are working only in Bourgas, Shumen, Stara Zagora and Rousse. The number of the patients treated in the linear collider reaches 400 people.. The Center reported that much better they would have handled the flow of patients if they have a second linear accelerator. "We need it, because currently the procedures are carried out in two shifts and the unit is loaded maximum," said Dr. Radostin Dichev. 

"Cancer Center - Bourgas" has successfully completed a projects under the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" totaling 197 289.40 Lev. For 12 months in the hospital, as is the duration of the project, the hospital purchased clothing for 179 health workers, 82 pairs of goggles and 508 suit.

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