Department of hemodialysis in Bourgas hospital already works up to 1 in the night

So far, dialysis was performed from 7 21 pm.

The extended of working time is necessary because of the increased number of patients and improve their service. It was made flexible tiered schedule to allow people not to wait but to be placed on the apparatus immediately.

Around 170 patients from all over the Bourgas region serves currently compartment of hemodialysis. From November last year until now they have grown to 40, said the head of department Dr. Petya Kupenova.

Bourgas hospital car taken from hes home every sick and after the procedure he was back. Patients are scattered in dozens of settlements in the municipalities of Bourgas, Sredets, Malko Turnovo, Tsarevo, Primorsko, Sozopol, Pomorie, Aitos, Rouen, Kameno. Among them there are severely ill with companion people in wheelchairs to amputees.

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