Bourgas captain led an expedition to Cape Horn

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The first Bulgarian particular sailing to the Cape Horn, known as sea Everest, will be done by the yacht. The expedition will start at the end of October. 


The three-member crew of the Bulgarian expedition will be under the command of Captain Kiril Kirov from Bourgas. 

Those traveling is a huge challenge and the expectations are the sea voyage to last more than six months. 

The destinations include an adventure route - Strait of Bosphorus, Strait of Dardanelles, the cities Corinth (Greece) and Messina (Italy), Strait of Gibraltar - the southernmost part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Strait of Magellan, the Canal Beagle, the Drake Passage, a narrow LE MER and the endpoint - Cape Horn. 

The main objective of the initiative is the putting the Bulgarian flag, which has never reached the southernmost point of South America. 

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