Unique jewelry wore our ancient ladies

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Gold and silver jewelry as the priestess Leseskepra from Anchialo (present-day Pomorie) they'll have the ancient culture of the people living in the lands of the Bourgas Bay. 


According the archaeologists Leseskepra was noble woman of age occupying the highest position in the social hierarchy. Jewels of the Thracian woman were found in burial mounds and are considered as burial gifts. Burial was made to I-III century. 

The founded earrings are exceptional typical, containing five clearly distinguishable elements - typical Thracian palmette, circular gold element with built in stone in it, a gold band with the name of the owner of the earrings, a stand of griffin and a griffin. 

These and other treasures are displayed for the first time to the public at the Archaeological Museum of Bourgas. The exhibition presents the history of coins through the ages - from the most ancient times, when people traded each other just  with pieces of metal to the fine coins from XVII - XVIII century



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