The construction of the Eiffel Tower rests a museum in Bourgas

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Unique museum, playground for lovers, lane scenic walks - this is only a small part

of the attractions that will give a new look to the area of public access to the Port of Bourgas.

The ambitious project is a part of the investment program of the territorial division of the State Enterprise "Port Infrastructure" in 2015-a year.

The investment will exceed 10 million Lev, while its implementation will start soon.

In 2015 the facility, which is the highest priority for us is the former warehouse Magazia 1. It was built in the early 20th century. Its internal iron structure was built by the company that built the Eiffel Tower.

Conceptual design Magazia one must become a multifunctional building that will contain in itself a museum, small souvenir shops, one information center, a ticket center.



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