Chinese naked dog from Moscow is a winner in Kraimorie

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Puppy from a unique breed - Chinese hooded naked dog honored at the exhibition in Kraimorie. Latifah does not 1 year old, but already it has three bowls, said its owner Galina Volkova. 


The dog has a pedigree, bought from Moscow. Galina Volkova is Russian but lives in Sozopol since 10 years. Maybe that's why Latifah's birthday is July 17 - the day of the town. 

The full name of the puppy is Xolo Klab Zhemchuzhina Latifah. 

Chinese crested naked dog has only a hood, a little hair of the legs and the tail. 

"There is human hair that does not fall. A skin is like a newborn baby, soft and smooth. Latifah is cheerful, playful, gentle, quick to learn, gave me a lot of love.", said Galina. 

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