Primorsko is presented at ITB Berlin

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Prestigious exhibition was held in Berlin from 4 to 8 March


With a rich program Primorsko presented throughout the tourism potential of its resorts, with samples of cultural heritage in the area. Representatives of the municipality promoted infamous Beglik Tash Thracian sanctuary near Primorsko, fortress wall Urdoviza and archaeological exhibition "Secrets of the seabed" in Kiten.

Vulchanovo Kale, Ropotamo snowdrops marsh, sand dunes, wide beaches also found their place in the presentation of Primorsko Municipality. Visitors' attention was attracted by the museum exhibition of "Lev Tolstoy" in Yasna Polyana.

The stand of Primorsko municipality attract as many individual future tourists and German tour operators, too.

TB Berlin is the leading B2B-Platform for the world tourism industry, which this year included more than 11 000 exhibitors and 113 00 professionals from 188 countries.

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