Prices at the sea fell to 40 percent on September 10th

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Since September 10, the prices of the hotels in Sunny Beach are expected to fall by up to 40 percent of the official prices, but this period has already made requests mostly from Bulgaria, said the president of the Union of Owners in the resort - Elena Ivanova. 


According to her forecast August and the days to mid-September can after analyze the results prove to be stronger for visits than they were in June. 

Although the season will end after September 20, the Union of Owners "Sunny Beach" do not waive their willingness to protest in the middle of the month. It is in connection with the unsolved problems in the sector. 

Hoteliers will close the road Bourgas-Varna on September 17th to show that the unfinished four-lane road from Bourgas to Sunny Beach creates exceptional difficulties. 

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