Beaches - graders on the South Black Sea

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In 2014, the system for Blue Flag certification described as the best 12 number of  beaches on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.


These are the beaches of Albena, Duni, Bourgas – north, Harman in Sozopol, Pomorie - east, Sunny Beach - south, Sunny Beach - north, Sunny Day, and the Central, the East and the New in Sveti Vlas. In the box ports is certified the port Marina Dinevi.

Among the criteria to receive the Blue Flag are the beach to be clean, the water to meet all the requirements for microbiological balance, a sufficient number of toilets, showers and changing rooms, to promote eco activityon the beach, there must work enough lifeguards, they must have separate bins waste collection and others.

The total number of beaches have received the Blue Flag this summer worldwide are 3203.

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