Rafi provokes Deo, Leo and Igrata with ice bucket

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Several native celebrities, including the singer Rafi from Bourgas tested the "ice bucket" with a particular cause - to collect money for the treatment of 32-year-old young mother. 


Rafi, comedian Nikki Stanoev and Pavel Vladimirov, host of "Hello, Bulgaria" on Nova TV, was soaked from head to toe. 

Rafi threw down the gauntlet Deo, Leo and Igrata. The young man from Bourgas traditionally involved in charity campaigns and never misses an opportunity to attract followers. Stanoev called Spence, Michaela Fileva and Shkumbata. 

Top aimed Pavel Vladimirov, he caused Dimitar Berbatov. All they want to draw the attention to the fate of 32-year-old Ivelina Kehayova - mother with two radiant children, 9 months and 7 years. A few months ago she diagnosed with - carotid-cavernous fistula obtained following her pregnancy.. The treatment requires 20 000 dollars. 

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