U.S. Humanitarian Assistance Program Funds Help Build a Social Rehabilitation and Integration Center in the Municipality of Kyustendil

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On Wednesday, April 15, U.S. Amb. Marcie Ries, Kyustendil Mayor Petar Paunov and Cedar Foundation Director Lindsay Saltzgiver will inaugurate the Social Rehabilitation and Integration Center.  


The U.S. Government invested a total of 492,000 lv. to assist the joint efforts of the Cedar Foundation and the Municipality of Kyustendil in constructing and outfitting the Center. The Center provides support in developing new capabilities and self-sufficiency among people with different types and degrees of disability, as well supporting groups of at-risk adults through dedicated programs for integration and social exclusion prevention.  The Center’s services offer counseling, and therapeutic and rehabilitation activities  to help create, maintain and broaden social skills that will permit its participants to lead more independent lives.  

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