Urban man had enough of the daily bustle

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A new type of vacation offered Pismenovo


On the tourist map of Primorsko municipality established its place the Visitor Complex in Pismenovo. For foreign tourists it is a small paradise for unknown and unexpected impressions, attractive way to experience the authentic Bulgarian crafts and bring an original souvenir. For the Urban man Visitor center Pismenovo offers fabulous way to return to the Bulgarian roots and breather from the daily bustle of the city.

Interest in this small oasis of preserved Bulgarian crafts and the opportunity to meet with Bulgarian folklore attract more Bulgarian tourists. Magic of Strandja, old crafts and the unique experience are just part of the challenge to reveal the secrets of Strandja – Primorsko area.

The highlight in the program of the Visitor Complex is the demonstration of local crafts, some of which can be seen only there. Tourists have the opportunity to observe how in the old camp beneath the fingers of the old master colorful threads turn into a colorful rug. Master of special basket deftly weaves baskets and his neighbor is a master of knives.

In the middle of the Visitor Complex has a stage where folk bands, singing groups and individual performers present their typical end traditions.

The visitor complex Pismenovo may be the beginning of an exciting journey, because it began several routes to other less known but very interesting and impressive natural attractions of Strandja. This is a new type of vacation spot that offers not only variety and experience, but also an opportunity every tourist to choose its own route.

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