What loses Ajtos because the new protected area

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The order of the Ministry to declare the area – “ The three brothers” and Lyaskovo as a protected zone

has ruffled some feathers in Ajtos and provoked sharp criticism among property owners in the areas which fall within the protected area of 10 197 338 ha.

Without any discussion among the public and without any warning of their municipal administration, the draft order of the Minister Ivelina Vasileva is about to throw in the wind for several million Lev prepared to  projects and more so for lost profits.

For the start Ajtos municipality must expunge 3.2 million Lev, which are incorporated in technical project for the closure of the municipal landfill in the areas falling in the future protected area.

Ajtos municipality will have to forgive and more 2124809 Lev invested in the technical design project for the town park.

Besides this project and another project will see not the light of day. The Municipal project "The overhaul, the reconstruction and the expansion of the Zoo in Forest Park in the town Ajtos" - I stage is ready with the technical project worth one million Lev.

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