Confiscated 52.5 kilograms of fish from peddler

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Over 63 kg food confiscated the inspectors from NVS Bourgas during the checks on the day of St. Nicholas. This was announced by Dr. Ethers Zatikashvili, Director of "Control of Food".


52.5 kg of fish were seized from a street vendor in Tsarevo, said Dr. Zatikashvili. It was composed an act by article 12 of the Food law - for lack of registration for food trade.

Total 4 number of acts are issued, against 96 checks in connection with the feast of fishermen. Inspected are 15 supermarkets, 15 specialty stores for fish and 17 larger establishments. Unless this one act of the street vendor in Tsarevo it has more three.

In the week checks was scrapping 10 kg of frozen vegetables, 780 g lasting confectionery, because expired.

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