Sculptures of wood chiseled in Yasna Polyana

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Masters of chisel will create sculpture for thirty consecutive time at the National Symposium of sculpture in wood in Yasna Polyana. The event will start on July 12 th / Saturday / at 19.00 o’clock. 

The organizers this year are the Ministry of Culture, Municipality Primorsko, the town hall Yasna Polyana and the Union of Bulgarian Artists. 20 days long Bulgarian artists Ivan Cholakov, Nicola Dikov, Petko Genov, Hristo Antonov, Stephana Chernaeva and their Macedonian colleague Ivan Stoimenov will recreate their ideas on wood, turning it into a sculptural masterpiece. 

The art lovers will have the opportunity to enjoy the unique shapes that traditionally would be exhibited in the open square of Yasna Polyana. 

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