NATO supports creative scientists from around the world

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Nearly 100 number of scientists from 22 countries took part in the fourth edition of the scientific forum “School of NATO”, which is traditionally held in Sozopol. 


The theme that brought together young scientists, professors and students was “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security”. The participants shared scientific experiences and new developments at the base of which was the energy and information security of the global world. 

14 number of lecturers from 12 countries (USA, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Belarus, Greece, Canada, Romania, Macedonia, Germany, Moldova, Portugal) presented papers on topics related to new nanotechnology developments in various fields of the security. 

Bulgarian science in nanotechnology was presented by lecturers Professor Petkov and Professor Doryana Malinowska from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 

The representatives of the international scientific community, participated in the fourth edition of the NATO School will receive a special manual with all readed reports and presentations at the forum. 

The young scientists were able to see the sights of Sozopol and to learn about the rich history of the ancient town. 

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