200,000 tourists from around the world saw the museum "Southern Fortress Wall and Tower"

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The project of "Sozopol": "Architectural - Historic Complex with a museum collection South fortress wall and tower - history, culture, heritage," in Sozopol applied to Section "Best Destination".

The project proposal was accepted with great interest among 158 nominations from around the world. Nominees are three suggestions: Ljubljana, Slovenia; Northeast Coast, Taiwan; Sozopol, Bulgaria.

An important point in the implementation of project activities is that they are not focused only in the complex, and throughout the Archaeological reserve "Ancient city of Apollonia."

There are used special techniques for conservation and restoration, which help to preserve the maximum authenticity of the objects in the complex and in the reserve.

The architectural complex with a museum collection "Southern Fortress Wall and Tower" takes between 17 and 20 thousand visitors. From its opening until the complex was visited by nearly 200,000 tourists from around the world.

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