Started assessing of Sozopol

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A representative of the World Council for Tourism and Travel arrives next week in Sozopol, to assess on the spot bid the town for the first place in the category of Destination 2015.

In this category Sozopol competes with Ljubljana, Slovenia and the northeastern coast of Taiwan. These three destinations are nominated as the most preferred for 2015, but only one of them will head the prestigious ranking.

On 09.02.2015 in Sozopol arrives on a two-day visit the specialist in sustainable tourism to the Council for World Tourism Richard Damon. His task is to examine and obtain a full information about "Architectural - Historic Complex with a museum collection South fortress wall and tower - history, culture, heritage" and Archaeological reserve "Ancient city of Apollonia".

The end result of the visit of the specialist and his assessment will form the overall assessment of Sozopol and its place in the prestigious ranking of the Council on Tourism and Travel. Rewarding as the best destination, and the winners in the other categories will be on April 15th in Madrid, Spain, at a special ceremony.

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