Sozopol foot firmly on the tourist market

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For the third consecutive year Sozopol Municipality participated in the largestinternational tourist exhibition in Turkey- EMITT 2015, which was held in Istanbul.

During the opening of the tourist exhibition the stend of the town was visited by the Mayor of Istanbul, the Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova,  the Bulgarian Ambassador in Ankara and our consul in Istanbul.

Angelkova Minister congratulated the team for the active participation of the town in numerous international exhibitions and the efforts of the municipality of Sozopol to promote cultural tourism. She said that the classification of the town in the top three of the Council as global tourism is recognition for the work of the municipality, but it’s also worldwide prestige of Bulgaria.

The main topic among Bulgarian and Turkish tourism representatives was the need for the simplification of visas for Turkish citizens wishing to visit our country.

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