Prohibit Russian children and students to travel to Europe

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Experts discuss information on the recommendations of the Departments of Education to be not organized children's groups to holiday abroad, reported in the newsletter of TURBIZNES, one of authoritative Russian tourist information and analytical publications. 


In the media there is unofficial information that some departments of Education issued recommendations not to organize trips of children's groups abroad, and to promote the "excursions in the country with similar cultural and historical heritage". In particular, the newsletter of the same directives have been become directors of the Krasnodar region, and some regions of Siberia. 

Zoe Cooper, CEO of tourist company "East-West" never heard of such recommendations. The expert noted that "in a segment of the domestic market has great growth because sufficient budgetary attractive tourist products - very popular tours to Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as in camps near Moscow," the expert advised. 

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