Tourism businesses jump the line against the Deputy Minister

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After the "Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents" (ABBTA) expressed "strongly disagrees" with the reinstatement of Branimir Botev as Deputy Minister of Tourism in the newly created ministry this week further twelve organizations requested withdrawal.


This is not the first outrage against Botev. Even when he got the job in 2013, four major associations have announced "decisive protest" against him for lack of educational background and experience in tourism. Botev had a chance to prove to the interim government, which keep his job. Obviously, the industry has not seen improvement.

Now 13 number of organizations have sent a letter of protest to the Co-Presidents of the Patriotic Front Karakacanov and Valeri Simeonov, which are considered to have offered Botev for the post. "All EU funds for tourism in the last 15 months are blocked." They wrote. Organizations complain about the lack of an adequate concept of tourism development and dialogue with the industry.

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