Sozopol among the top three most desired destinations for tourism in the world

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One of the oldest Bulgarian towns - Sozopol, entered the top three of the most desirable places for tourism in the world.


Heir of the Greek colony of Apollonia, was nominated by the World Council for Tourism and travel in the category "Destination" of 2015. Currently Sozopol ranked third in the rankings after the Slovenian capital Ljubljana and the coast of Taiwan, said the press office of the municipality.

Bulgarian town participate in the prestigious competition with the complex "South fortress tower" and has already fought 158 candidates from around the world. The winner of the competition will be selected on April 15th in Madrid.

"We will fight to be first, I’m expecting growth of tourism", said the mayor of the town Panayot Rayze.

Last year's nominees in this category are Bonito (Brazil), Moher Geopark (Ireland) and the winner Costa Navarino (Greece).

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