Bathroom of Suleiman the Magnificent wait for first visitors

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Aqua Kalide- Museum and 3D mapping


Bathroom of Suleiman the Magnificent in the archaeological complex Historical Figures will be ready to welcome tourists this summer. The building was completely restored, just as has been observed its original vision. It is lined with marble and typical Oriental ceramics. Its authenticity is complemented by natural and artistic lighting.

The idea of the Municipality Bourgas is the whole cultural and historical site to become a modern cultural and tourist center. Over ancient excavations build modern footbridges, which the tourists pass. In the process of work is the construction of a small amphitheater with a glass floor, which is located just outside the bathroom Suleiman. Inside the building, which will be turned into a museum, the visitors can watch the 25-minute film, created on the basis of 3D mapping. It will lead the tourists in a virtual walk in the time of the Thracians and the legend about the holy spring of the three nymphs-balminess, during the Roman era to the time of Suleiman the Magnificent.

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