Young chefs provoke culinary connoisseurs

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The best young chefs in Bulgaria roll up their hands in this hour and begin their greatest challenge to the culinary pundits and connoisseurs of good food. The surprise is not on the menu, because burgasdream picked up it, but in the mastery and imagination of the six contenders for the best of the best.

For the third consecutive year the young talents of Bulgaria, future top chefs will be served and pampered the guests of the restaurant-winery "Di Vine" in Varna with new and unique flavors and presented in a unique and original way familiar and favorite dishes.

Autumn dinner with the most outstanding young talents of Bulgaria was held for the third time with the courtesy of the Bulgarian Association for Culinary literacy PGT "Prof. Dr. Zlatarov "- Varna, Teraros Commerce and Grand Hotel London. Kind hosts of Restaurant - Winery "Di Wine" also have surprises for their guests.


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