Hours before to catch her plane to Wales the virtuoso in confectionery art Zlatina Lewis will make a culinary show with sugar flowers in Flora Bourgas.
Hours before to catch her plane to Wales the virtuoso in confectionery art Zlatina Lewis will make a culinary show with sugar flowers in Flora Bourgas.
Cocktail anti-aging is the most popular drink on the beach in Sunny Beach. As the name suggests, it has a strong rejuvenating effect, so it is most preferred cocktail of ladies.
Fresh crawfish and small octopuses are sold in some fish shops in the market "Krasnodar" in Bourgas. The price of crawfish is 10 Lev per kilogram, and octopuses - 12 Lev / kg.
What is the secret of Frenchwomen and how they manage to keep their slim and beautiful figure, provided that willingly eat in many restaurants on the Chanse Elysees?
The upcoming St. Nicholas captured in a dynamic training each coastal town.