People want political stability and economic security

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Interview with Sevim Ali, candidate MP from Bourgas MRF 


Mr Ali, the election campaign is coming to an end. You meet a lot of people. What problems they revealed to you? 

- I know the problems of people not only in the election campaign. As the leader of the youth organization of our party, I am constantly among the men. Now it was important for me and for everyone I meet to define common priorities and outline along the way to solving the most pressing problems. 

To the meetings come different people with different problems, but they all want to live better, to work and raise their children in Bulgaria. They worry about the political turmoil we have seen in the last two years and hope that the politicians and the new members will find the right way for management to ensure peace and security. They hope that this will lead to security in all spheres of public life and especially in economics and business. I think the ordinary people are tired of hearing only promises and wait for a better life. Businesses also want guarantees that they will work in a business environment where political sense and balance will be leading.


Who will be your main priority if you will elected to parliament? 

- The most important thing for me is the development and implementation of policies to raise living standards and improve the lives of people in small towns and villages. This is done myself as a councilor for three terms, this will be my main priority as MP. It is important to protect the rights of all citizens, the social solidarity and the civil justice are the foundation for the return of the people's trust in the state and state institutions.


Do you feel the support of the people, do they believe you? 

- I am extremely grateful for the help and support they I receive from youth and women's organizations DPS - Ajtos in the organizing of the campaign meetings. Thanks to the leadership of the party that I had such a profound trust. 

I am one of them. My beliefs and my cause is related to the problems of people over 12 years and no for a moment I did not forget their trust and my responsibility I bear them. I hope that my burden, because I believe them. I believe that with joint efforts we can improve the lives of our children, our parents and we can make Bulgaria a good place to live for all its citizens.

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