Swimmers prepare for the World Cup in Sozopol

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The excellent conditions of the indoor swimming pool in Sozopol second year attracted the interest of some of the best Bulgarian swimmers, namely the players of the national team of the Red Cross water rescue.


Here they held a two-week intensive training for the World Cup WLS, which will held in the city Montpellier, France, in the autumn. Senior team coach Boris Zachariev said that this is one of the few pools in the country that offer training conditions world niveau. 

The large pool is divided between the swimmers and the swimming children's teams - "Yantar" from the city of Minsk, Belarus with coaches Sergei Lenykov and Irina Shirokova and Russian team SDYUKOR DOE "Zora" from the city Dzherdzhinski, Nizhnegorodska area. The little swimmers can rival the older players and their training ended with a friendly competition between the two teams.

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