Sober up facilities for drunken Englishmen in Sunny Beach

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"Nessebar Municipality in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of MIA in Bourgas urgent to reveal the temporary detention facility for English and Scandinavian citizens (within 48 hours), had used alcohol excessively. 


The penalty to vary from 50 to 100 EUR in the first arrest, in the second or third - from 100 to 500 EUR", offers Ivan Ivanov, Chairman of the Bourgas Regional Tourist Association. 

According to him the alcohol, which is available in the largest resort is of questionable quality. He wants to be examined by the Agency for protection of food and the CPC and to make chemical analysis. Establishments that do not comply with the Bulgarian legislation and offer alcohol of an unproven producer and in tubes, to be closed, and the owners to impose sanctions. 

For night events with English and Scandinavian tourists aged 18 to 29 years, the receiving Bulgarian tour companies to require their contractors to send entertainers for the realization of those specific plan - scenarios for each night of tourists stay and their programs must be completed by 00: 00 o’clock and the over cost in the restaurant to vary from 250 to 500% and all the responsibility to carry the home and the host company, combined with subsequent severe penalties, offers Ivanov.

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