Versions for the fatal leap of Alexandra Nanni

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Emotional breakdown or incitement to suicide led to the fatal jump from

the 5th floor of 33-year-old Russian woman Alexandra Nanni? These are the basic versions, which work the police in Bourgas, after the young woman threw herself from the balcony  on Batak  Str.№25 in Bourgas with her 3-year-old daughter Alice.

Alexandra had a disease of the nervous system and suffered from postpartum depression. This was announced by her father-in-law Andrei Dikarev in an interview with Russian television channel LifeNews.

In Bourgas Alexandra made contact with the psychologist Svetozar Dimitrov, cleared the pictures in facebook profile of the young Russian.

Bourgas Regional Prosecutor's Office has initiated work on the case under Article 115 Criminal Code - murder.

Currently pre-trial proceedings shall be conducted against an unknown perpetrator. Clarifies whether a murder, suicide or incitement to suicide.


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