Unprecedented cruelty! Freaks beat the mascot of Bourgas (PHOTOS)

Of brutal cruelty was a victim the most beloved Snoopy cat, named a mascot of Bourgas.

The keeper of the Compass was brutally beaten in the city center - close to death the position.

For this shocking incident reported a reader of Burgasdream.com, who contacted us asking for help. We found the favorite, usually willingly posed for self photos with citizens of Bourgas, lying helpless ten meters away from the Compass. On its head was a large wound, on the whole body had scars and the rear legs refused to hold him.

Snoopy was urgently admitted to the specialized Veterinary Clinic "Mobivet".

After extensive examinations, the team of Dr. Tsvetkova confirmed that the kitten was kicked and hit with a heavy thing, which was formed hemorrhages in its eyes.

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