Architects and priests in life-and-death because St. Kirik and Julita

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Architects from around the country were rising in protest against the withdrawal of their creative complex "St. Kirik and Julita " by the court and submission to the church.


The monastery "St. Kirik and Julita " over the village Gorni voden, Assenovgrad Municipality, was housed monks until 1936, after which it was a political prison and madhouse. The buildings were burned and the landslide destroyed them.

In 1982 the Union of Bulgarian Architects / SAB / concluded a contract for the terrain and built on it a secular complex – one creative home, which became a center for architects, designers, urban planners, engineers from around the world.

Since 1989 began the process of unbundling throughout the whole country. Plovdiv Bishopric decided to ask to gain the ownership of this land and the newly creative home/ by the court order/.

The case was decided by the Plovdiv Court in favor of the bishopric.

Now the process is in the Supreme Court, which must decide in closed session on February 

11th, 2015.

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