With video link questioned Irish deceived with virtual village

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With a video link with the Magistrate's Court in Maidstone, Northern Ireland were questioned two deceived husbands.


This happened in the Bourgas District Court in the case against the former diplomat and a port boss Krasimir Grudov and his son Alexander Grudov.

Bourgas magistrates listened Irish spouses who pay house in the holiday village "Salt Lake City" in the village of Rudnik. However, the whole village is left only as a virtual project.

In 2006-a year was the boom in sales of Englishmen of our properties and they are carried out these transactions in question.

Victims are seven British families, translated the company of father and son Grudovi - "Si Ai Si International" more than 217 000 Lev / £ 74,109 /. In return, they received images of 3D files, and the said area is not built to date.

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