Make cartoon about the airports in Varna and Bourgas!

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Between 10th and 14th September in Varna will be held the tenth, a jubilee edition of the World Festival of Animated Films (SFAF). 


SFAF and "Fraport Twin Star Airport Management" - a partner and sponsor of the event, organized an international competition for a short animated film. The theme of the contest is "Varna and Bourgas airports welcome you". 

Animation projects proposed must be of a duration 30 seconds and must present the work and spirit of the "Fraport Twin Star Airport Management". The deadline for applications is August 25, 2014. The announcement of the winners and the ceremony will take place during the official opening ceremony of the World Festival of Animated Film Varna 2014, which will be held on September 10 th  at 19: 00 o’clock, Hall 1 of the Festival and Congress Centre. The selected films will receive special diplomas and cash prizes provided by "Fraport Twin Star Airport Management". The first prize is worth 2000 Lev, second - worth 1000 Lev, follow two incentive awards of 500 Lev. 

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