Bulgarian Armed Forces receiving communication-information the United States

The Bulgarian Armed Forces will receive   communication-information equipment and other special equipment from the United States as part of the implementation of a U.S. program aimed at building the capacity of the armed forces of ally and partner nations to participate or support counter terrorist operations or operations for stability and reconstruction, including activities of the NATO Alliance.

 The value of the overall package is 12.5 million USD.

The equipment Bulgaria is receiving today will enhance the ability of the Bulgarian contingent in Afghanistan to exchange classified information in real time and will contribute to its ability to operate more efficiently.  The package includes communication-information equipment and special equipment (thermal imaging weapon sights).

Also under this program, the Bulgarian Armed Forces have received   video equipment, medical equipment, and navigation systems, which are being used by the Bulgarian contingents taking part in missions overseas. 


Equipment which improves the safety and mobility of the Bulgarian advisors who participate in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan is expected to be received in 2014 as well.


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