Why disappears sprat in the Black Sea?

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A man from Bourgas cleanse sprat and cried – it had caviar.


"SOS! Announced citizens of Bourgas that: Today my father bought in commercially in the quarter “Brothers Miladinovi” fresh sprats, complete with caviar! I find him crying and clean it, "said in facebook woman from Bourgas and her signal provoked widespread discussion.

The ban on fishing in the breeding period begins each year around the middle of April and continues to 50 days. Currently, however, the catch of all fish is resolved.

At the same time fishermen warn that it’s disappears the big sprat in the Black Sea. This finding was confirmed by Dr. Violin Raikov, ichthyologist and marine ecologist at the Institute of Oceanology BAS in Varna. If some time ago in one kilogram of fish caught were about 200-250 copies, long in 8-9 cm, it now fishermen draw on 400-420 units that are 6-7 cm, he said.

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